5 simple steps to an organised kitchen

cabinet maker

Source @containerstore

Start the year fresh with an organised kitchen and a Pinterest worthy pantry. We all know it can be tricky to keep your kitchen clean and tidy when it’s the busiest place of the household.  However, the benefit of an organised kitchen is not only pleasing to look at, but it can actually save you time and money for years to come. 

1. Clear containers and labels

If you don’t already have some glass jars hanging around, take a quick trip to the shops and grab some containers in a variety of sizes for your pantry goods. Most shops like Kmart and Target, conveniently have pre-made pantry container packs. For a sustainable and inexpensive option, we suggest cleaning and reusing glass jars (pasta sauce jars are perfect). As for labels, they aren’t completely necessary but can be useful for similar looking pantry items such as plain flour and self-raising flour. And small baskets are amazing for storing pre-packaged snacks like chips or muesli bars.

Source @ourhometobe

2. Clear out your cabinets

Setting everything out somewhere close by onto an island bench, or a dining table will make it easy for you to start with a blank canvas. If you have a large kitchen, perhaps breaking your kitchen cabinets into zones could be an easier option. In that case, start with the pantry, move onto the fridge and then your drawers.

Gold Coast cabinet maker

Source @neatlyliving

3. Deep clean and declutter

If you’re guilty of having a couple of expired food items in the dark depths of the pantry then now is the opportunity to give your kitchen some attention. Sort through your items and dispose of any expired or stale food. After that, we suggest using a handheld vacuum to remove any crumbs and dust. Then give your cabinets a quick clean with a multi-purpose spray and microfibre cloth, or multipurpose wipes can do the trick too.

Source @wearespruce

4. Assemble and organise

Now for the most satisfying step, fill your containers and baskets with your pantry goods. It’s best to use bigger containers for food that your household uses most, perhaps items like rice, oats, cereal, pasta and ingredients like spices and seeds for your smaller containers. Add your labels and neatly arrange them back into your pantry. If you’re feeling extra organised, you can even do the same for your fridge.

Gold Coast cabinet maker

Source @thedharmadoor

5. Arrange your cabinets

Now that you’ll have your Pinterest worthy pantry, arrange your kitchen cupboards and drawers to suit your kitchen layout. It’s convenient to keep cooking utensils, pots, pans and bakeware close by to your stove or oven. Or mugs and coffee pods near your coffee machine. And don’t forget to stack any Tupperware, pots, and pans to save space.

Gold Coast cabinet maker

Source @thecottagemarket

We know that organising your kitchen can be a time consuming task. Schedule out a couple of hours to give your kitchen a deserved makeover. It’s a task that could be perfect for a rainy day when you are stuck indoors. With these few simple steps you’ll have a newfound appreciation for your space and we guarantee you’ll only wish you organised your kitchen sooner.


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